Enter Our Universe
Step into our universe and discover the creative influences and stories that inspire our design philosophy.
Explore the heart and soul of our brand DNA that fuels all our creations and unlocks endless possibilities for us to express and celebrate who we are.
Our Core Collections
Ask & Embla’s core collections; Icons and Essentials reflect the sacred dualism that sustains our world.
They embrace opposing qualities of ornamental and foundational elements which interdependence creates balance and harmony. The conception of these curations, as diametrically opposed designs, harken back to Norse mythos of duality and co-existence.

装飾 – コレクションを豊かにする複雑で特徴的なスタイル。 Ask & Embla ならではの精神と職人技を反映した、特徴的なアイテムの宝庫です。

基本 – コレクションの根幹となる、常緑で洗練された定番アイテム。クラシックなシルエットをあらゆる表情に表現する、時代を超越したベーシックのシリーズです。