北欧神話の 9 つの領域からインスピレーションを得た Mətasapiens の物語は、別の次元からの架空の新種を探索します。

このコレクションには、絡み合った 3 つの世界の住民とその想像上の文化からインスピレーションを得たカプセルが含まれています。これらの存在が採用する独特の身体装飾と改造を捉えています。

Discover the world of Metasapiens

The 6th World Pane


In the vast expanse of the cosmos lay a tapestry of 9 world planes. Cradled centrally was the 6th plane, Asmyrh. A verdant sphere, Asmyrh stands enveloped by rugged mountains and shrouded by misty peaks lit by moonlight.

Herein resided the Asmyrhians, guardians of The Astral Portal. Humanoid in form, the Asmyrhians were distinguished by their ancient silver armour and black robes, their eyes laced with a silvery sheen and reflecting the revered constellations above. 

The 9th World Plane


Amidst the vastness of the cosmic expanse, Erilon rises, ensconced atop all other world planes. This 9th plane, a realm of ethereal floating isles, bathes in an enigmatic cyan luminescence, radiating a celestial allure.

Its landscapes are punctuated by crystal formations which refract the sheer cyan glow, casting a dreamlike aura throughout the realm.

The 7th World Plane


Atop the celestial echelon of the 7th plane, the towering peak of Mt. Galdorath looms; a monumental volcano cradles ancient temples, labyrinths, and sacred alcoves within its slopes.

Among these hallowed edifices, library chambers brimming with age-old texts harbor celestial mysteries within the rugged crests of its volcanic facade.


